The battle for greater security in the age of the Internet of Things will take place on two fronts: personal security, and corporate/industrial security. On the professional front, with the coming of the Internet of Things, every company becomes a technology company. Right now, a coffee shop has to keep their Wifi password safe so that

As someone who’s enthusiastic about mobile technology, I have always thought that laws that prevented consumers from being able to unlock their own mobile devices are a really bad idea. After all, we live in a capitalist economy where true competition is needed to drive innovation. If someone can’t take their device to another network,

For the past couple of years, there has been some serious speculation about which company was going to step up and lead the charge toward creating a nationwide network of true high-speed Internet. We know the technology exists to make it happen, but it seems like the business interests care more about preserving the status

If you are passionate about mobile technology the way I am, the Mobile World Congress is like Christmas and the Super Bowl all rolled into one. It provides the perfect opportunity to get a look at the great new technologies that are coming soon, both from the big-name companies and the innovators that are new

Despite being the most popular phone platform in the world, the Droid has suffered from some issues with monetization. While the Android market far exceeds the iOS market, the iOS market is still in the lead when it comes to gross revenue. Android developers often find it difficult to monetize their applications creatively leading many

How Android Technology Captured the Market

Thursday, 12 December 2013 by

How Android Technology Captured the Market In the past, the Android operating system was often viewed as the underdog of the mobile market. In recent years, it has surpassed the market share of iOS and all other smartphone technologies by leaps and bounds. It currently has over 80 percent of the smartphone market share worldwide

5 Benefits of Giving to Local Charities

Sunday, 01 December 2013 by

As you craft the perfect marketing plan for your business, you may want to consider the many benefits of giving to local charities. You don’t have to be raking in millions to begin giving to charity. You can donate your time to local charities for a variety of unique benefits, not the least of which

The 5 Steps to Growing Your Startup

Monday, 18 November 2013 by

Establishing a startup is only half of the battle. Once you have created a startup company, you will need to grow it. The growth stage is where most entrepreneurs will fail. Growing a company is an incredibly delicate process, throughout which many companies are very fragile. When growing your startup you will need to be

5 Tips for Bootstrapping Your Own Startup

Friday, 15 November 2013 by

Bootstrapping a company is an entrepreneur’s dream. When you bootstrap a company, you take an excellent idea and start a business from scratch using very limited resources. Ideally, bootstrapping a company requires almost no financial investment from either yourself or other investors. Instead, a bootstrapped company is able to grow based on its own merits.